Top 10 Ways To Save Your Computer From Hackers


   Top 10 Ways to Save Your Computer from Hackers



Today, I am going to tell you how to safe your computer from hackers. Let's get started:

1) Software Update

Always download the best and latest versions of applications. Ensure that you update your software applications and web browsers regularly.

2) computer security

Set your operating system settings to Update Automatically, regularly. In this way, your computer security will always be up-to par. 

3) Anti-Virus Software

Install the best quality Anti-virus software. Without Anti-virus software your computer is at colossal risk. Go for the best available Anti-virus; Never compromise when it comes to computer security.

4) Anti-Spyware Software

Anti-spyware software is one of the best ways to protect your computer from hackers. Do install it on your PC.

5) Switch to Macintosh

Macintosh OS is very secure for your computer. Only a handful of hackers bother to attack this platform. 

6) Hacker-controlled Websites

Avoid being ensnared by doubtful sites committed to  free downloads, online games, and so on. 

7): Spam Email

Never open a mail about which you are doubtful. Try to avoid opening mails in the Spam category unless you are sure that the sender is a Saint and sender won't commit the blaspheme of  hacking or of sending you a virus. 

8) Firewall

Generally, Operating Systems have built-in Firewall. But, in case you don't have it then install it. They are used to keep in-check both incoming and out-going data streams.

9): Data Backup

By creating backup of your computer on regular basis, you will be tranquil even if your computer is exposed to some threat. Your data will always remain with you. Try to create backup using cloud storage like Drop box or go for some external storage device. 

10) Password

Try to draft a labyrinthine password containing combinations of both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and even special characters. The more complex password will be; The more difficult it will be for hackers to break it. Don't create a password that will be too complicated for even you to remember.

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 Prepared By: FAHAD WASEEM

About Fahad Waseem

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